Collab | Marriot Resorts x GoPuffRunning errands on vacation is the worst.
Dad broke the rental car AC. Ma needs iced coffee. Your brother accidentally packed his basketball bag instead of regular backpack, so he has sports equipment and not much else. Your sister was the only one who remembered a phone charger, but she only remembered because she never unplugs. Everyone just wants to be on the beach. Get yo sandy cheeks back on the beach by having GoPuff run your vacay errands.
Resort Placements | On Beach and in Hotel Rooms
Messy Girl Summer | Sending Influencers on VacationBeing a girl in your 20’s. These are the days you’re told you’ll look back on forever, but none of you know what you’re doing. Yet, you maintain this unwavering confidence knowing that other people are messy and chaotic and imperfect, just like you! GoPuff, a candid service provider, inserts itself into these beautifully messy moments by supporting the women who own it.
Merch + Owned Media
Worthy Influencers
1. Raymonda J. - Fashion + Lifestyle, London, 100k IG 42k TikTok GoPuff is in London too!
2. Madison Wild - Fashion + Travel, NYC, 105k IG 665k TikTok
3. Isha Punja - Modeling/Acting + Lifestyle, Los Angeles, 133k IG 110k TikTok
4. Jessie Mesa - Modeling + Lifestyle, Los Angeles, 156k IG 188k TikTok
Merch | Again
Art Director - Gabrielle Loughlin